Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy 6th to the loves of my life

Poem for girls

Here is a poem I wrote for my daughters in honour of their 6th birthday.

Sugar and spice and all things nice
that's what little girls are made of
And I must include Thing 1 and Thing 2's secret for being so loved
They flash me their smiles and I'd walk 10 miles uphill, barefoot in the snow...
To tell them what light they've shone in my life and how proud I am as they grow
And now they are six and I cannot fix the speed at which time has gone by
Instead I embrace each inch of their face and wonder with a sigh...
Will they be fulfilled with a life full of thrills and be proud of who they become?
My wish is this (it's my checklist) for Emma and Madison
Embrace each day, make time for play, stand up for what you believe in.
Jump in with both feet, march to your own beat, if something is wrong take action.
Be choosy with friends, call your mum (again) and to thine own self be true.
And know in your heart we'll never be apart for I will always love you.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Colour Blind

Had a great conversation with the girls about Rosa Parks. Emma's SK teacher had read her a story about Rosa. In the car we drove by a bus and Emna started talking about it. She asked why Rosa was told to move. I explained people with white skin had a section they sat in and people with black skin had a section they had to sit in and no one should be told to sit somewhere based on their skin colour. Emma says " I have peach skin, what section would I be in?" lol So cute.

The next day the girls were watching a movie and Emma says " sigh, Aris has a seahorse for a minion. Why do the humans always have animals for minions in the movies?"

And the last funny thing I remember was also said by Em. She said the boys chase her at lunch recess and try and kiss her. I said " what's going on with all these boys chasing you" and she says " don't worry, mama, they can't catch me when I wear my super boots!"

Maddie is a hoot and says hilarious things but was off the last few days bc she got another bout with the fly. Poor kid has had a rough year this year. She gets very attached and wants to be with me when she is sick do she cried when John picked her up. She is fine within minutes but it breaks my heart when she is upset. : ( Here's to no more illness this year!

Monday, February 20, 2012

For Dad

I wrote this for my dad, for myself (therapeutic) and for anyone else who can relate.

It's been over 2 yrs since I learned my dad has Parkinson's Disease
This shocking diagnosis brought me to my knees
What would the future hold for my beloved dad?
Feelings flooded over me like hopeless, sad and mad
I immersed myself in research, grasping at straws
He could take this experimental drug but oh, it has some flaws
I looked for signs and new symptoms every time we'd visit
Is that a new tremor, dad? This one's new, isn't it?
But through his shaky hands and his shuffling gait
Something made me pause and say "Pam, just wait"
My dad is still my dad.
He thinks, he feels, he loves
He gives me great advice and cheers me when I'm bugged
And if there comes a time he can't communicate with me
I'll know just what he wants to say, for he is part of me
He may have an awful disease that makes us wait and see
But he's taught me how to deal with all of life's adversity
So here is my message to Parkinson's Disease
My dad will always be my dad
You can't take him from me!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'm Back!

Ok bloggers, I'm back. I have been writing about the twins on Facebook and been very lazy on the blog. But now that I have an iPhone it is easier for me to update. Where to start? I read a wonderful article written by a mom called Dont Carpe Diem. It's about being honest and realistic that parenting is hard. I could relate to her anecdotals. Many times ppl have made comments such as "enjoy every moment, they grow up so fast." Every moment? Like the moment when Maddie was flailing on the floor bc she didn't get what she wanted?" or the moment Emma bit her cousin bc she was angry she took her toy? Or the moment when we are at the grocery check out and they are shoving packs of gum and chocolate bars in my face requesting we buy them. Followed by a bumper cars game with the shopping carts. Am I to enjoy these moments? The author shares my reaction and goes on to talk about the way time is measured. There is the Greek name chronos which measures actual time and then there is kairos which is almost when time stops. She goes on to give examples of the two types and says it has helped her notice things more and be appreciative. I have done the same. So at 6:30 when my girls are tired, whiny and fighting? I count down the minutes until bedtime. That's chronos. But when Emma crawls into my lap and I play with her hair and kiss her head and pay attention to how soft her hair is and her sweet Emma smell... When I look at Maddie's face and notice she looks like a little girl and not a toddler... Or when I notice the freckles on Maddie's cheeks and the way Emma likes to sit when she listens to a story? That's kairos. So just like the Huffington Post writer, I mark kairos time by saying it either allowed or in my head. My children sleeping after battling a tough illness? Kairos. Having them run into my arms when I pick them up from daycare? Kairos. Making them lunches? Chronos. Sneaking a note into their lunch telling them how much I love them? Kairos. So take some kairos moments every day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

More funnies from my hunnies

Today's drive home was hilarious. Here is one of the conversations we had

Emma: mummy, do cats fall in love?
Me: um, well, they mate.
Emma: what's mate?
Me: they have babies together.
Maddie: how do the babies come out? Through their peanuts?
Emma: Maddie, cats don't have peanuts, silly. The babies come out of their butts.

Then I drove by roadkill (squirrel) and a crow was pecking at it. I heard Maddie say "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is that bird doing with that piece of poo." I said "um, eating it but it's not poo." She said "what is it?" and I said "a dead squirrel." I peeked at her face in the rearview and she was horrified! I burst out laughing and the girls asked me questions about dead animals the entire way home. They decided that cars are allowed to hit rats because they don't like the colour of rats but they can't hit any other animal. Not even crocodiles with huge mouths! What a hoot these two are!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Facebook gets all the blog love!

Ok, so I post about the girls on Facebook and I forget to post here. Must remember to blog more! Here are some more funnies from my lovelies...

Emma: I have a red spot on my tummy, a "skeeter" bite on my arm and a bruise on my leg. I'm just falling apart!

Maddie: mummy, why do I have lot's of napkins and Emma only has one? Me: because you spill a bit more than your sister. Maddie: ah pickle nuts, you're right.

Emma says "ok Mr. Brain, I need you to tell your friend Mr. Tummy to be quiet and stop eating my sister's chips."

Maddie: will we die? Emma: yes but only when we are 158 years old.

The girls are a joy to be around and are sponges; absorbing everything around them. They helped me in the garden today and they both love planting. They were patient and good listeners and were thrilled when I let them decide where to put the impatiens an begonias. They get along well, for the most part, and play together nicely. They often put on performaces and will sing to me or act out something from a show they have seen. During said performances my eyes must be on them the entire time or I hear from them! So cute!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Love "kidspeak"

So the girls were totally zonked today. I asked them if they were up late last night (at a party with John) and Emma said "yeah, we stayed up til 47 o'clock, that's pretty late, right?" Such a cutie.

Maddie has had a mild fever the past few days and is noticeably quieter. I hope she is back to her old self tomorrow.

Both girls are totally into books these days which has me so happy. We took out about 14 from the public library the other day and I have to stop them after we read 5 because it's bedtime. They love school and make friends easily. They started gymnastics and they both had a blast, although Maddie was under the weather. I am looking forward to spending more time with them over the summer, when I am off. This really is a lovely age.