Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Princesses

Those of you who know the girls will already know that they are obsessed with Princesses. They have all the princess paraphanelia and then some. They go to daycare in full Princess regalia etc. So they are bound to want to read books about Princesses. We have a few, and Emma loves one in particular as it has a wand that accompanies it and it makes music when you wave the wand over certain pictures. So last night we were reading the book together (Maddie was only somewhat interested at the beginning) and we got to the page where Princess Jasmine is in the cave of wonders looking for the genie. Emma said "I find genie for her. Mama, can I go in der wif her?" So cute! I explained "no Emsy, the book is a pretend story that we read, we can't jump into books we can enjoy reading them and we can think about them but we can't go into the books. Do you understand?" To which she responded "no"! I don't blame her, that's a pretty complicated concept. Although I think she understood it, she just didn't like my answer.

Once a month or so I treat the girls to a small toy at the Superstore when we are finished grocery shopping. I guide their choices so they don't choose inappropriate or super expensive things. When it came time to choose, Emma chose a Princess purse that came with a fake lipstick, brush, comb etc and Maddie chose a ballerina barbie doll. They coveted these toys and Maddie repeated all day "oh, sank u mummy, sank u, I love it, I love it a lot!" I was nervous that they had different toys as I assumed they would fight over things but they didn't. Each played with their own toy quite peacefully. Emma asked a few times for her own barbie doll but when I explained that she chose the Princess stuff she was fine with that. They both wanted to bring their new things to bed but John and I said no and there was a bit of a fuss but not much. We told them they can put it in a safe place of their choice and they can have them first thing in the morning. So they put them on the pillow we use when we change them in the morning. The next day when they saw them they were just as excited. They definately made the right choice in toy!

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