Thursday, June 24, 2010

Marriage and McDonalds!

Interesting conversations in the car ride to daycare today. First we were talking about marriage (I can't remember how it came up). Maddie said she would marry Rhettsy and Emma said she would marry Kai. I said they could marry whoever they want, as long as they are happy. Emma asked why and I said it's important to be happy. So then she says "then I will make cakes because I'm really happy when I make cakes."! Then Maddie said she would like a Shrek watch because Rhett has a donkey watch and Kristina has a Fiona watch. I said "they got them at McDonalds (the Happy Meal toy) and we don't eat McDonalds" to which Madison responded with "no, no, no, mummy, we don't eat the watches, we put them on our arms!" Thanks for clearing that up, Maddie! lol

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why are you the boss?

This was a funny conversation that occured while Maddie sat on the toiled and I told her it's almost time to get ready for bed.

Maddie: "mummy why do you always get to be the boss, the boss, the boss. When is it my turn?"
Me: "when you are bigger and have your own kids."
Maddie: "yeah, and then you will be little and I will be your boss and I will boss you and boss you and boss you forever!"

Ha! So cute!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls and Marriage!

Emma to Maddie "I really want to marry Kai."
Maddie: "he is too big" (meaning old as Kai is 9).
Emma: "when I am all growed I will marry him."
Maddie: "I'm growed now. See? I big."
Emma: "no, u small, you will marry Rhettsy because he is small too."

Ha! Love it. Later they were colouring and Emma asked if I liked her picture. I told her I did and she said "I'm going to give it to Kai because I love him." I asked her why she loves Kai and she said "because he plays games. Big boy video games like Mario and Pokemon." So funny!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Growing up!

Every so often I look at the girls and I realize how fast they are growing. They are such little girls now and can write their names and zip things, do up their backpacks etc. They can even put themselves in their carseats. Do they need me for anything? WAH! But, they still love to cuddle and give hugs and kisses and tell me about their day, so I am still needed for those things! When they have nightmares or are sick they want their mummy. There is something to be said for the feeling I get when the girls scream out for me in the middle of the night in fear, and the mere sound of my voice or pat on the back comforts them. That's what mama's are for, right?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dad and Dolls

Maddie had a low grade fever today so Emma was playing dolls by herself. She asked if I would play with her, but I said no since I was comforting Maddie who wanted to be held on the couch. I suggested she play with dad to which she responded "I don't want dad to play dolls with me because dad doesn't speak girl!" Ha ha! Ain't that the truth!