Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kids Say The Funniest Things

Gearing down the end of summer and getting into the headspace that I will soon be at work and more importantly my girls will be in school! SCHOOL! Wow. Unreal. They are so excited and I know they are more than ready. I am so glad John will be taking them that first day. As much as I want to be there for this huge milestone there is no way I can call in a supply on the first day of school and I will be an emotional wreck so it's just as well. They only go in for an hour on the first day. First full day is Thursday Sept 9th.

Yesterday Emma says to me "mummy I want to wear oyster lotion like you so I can have soft skin and smell nice." I said "oyster lotion?" and she nodded. I am usually pretty quick to figure out what they mean by now but this one took a bit longer. I finally realized she meant moisturizer lotion! lol Oyster lotion. Too funny. I shared this with my friends and one of them said her daughter called anti wrinkle cream "uncle wrinkle cream"! Yet another friend said her son said he has to go to the dentist because the navel on his teeth is weak (enamel)! ha ha! So funny!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Promises Promises!

This morning while snuggling in bed with the girls Emma asked why I don't want her to grow up. I said because when you are 15 you will hate me and not want to be around me and say mummy go away. She looked up at me with the saddest face, her huge eyes wide as ever and said "no mummy, I would never, ever say that or think it or say it because I love you so so much." About 10 minutes later when I wouldn't give her a donut for breakfast she said "then I will say go away mummy!" So much for that promise!

Tonight I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and Maddie took a bite and said "not bad mummy, you did a great job. Congratulations!" ha ha! So cute. The girls are in camp in the mornings only this week and they really like it. I realize they are ready for school even though I am still in shock they will start kinder in a few weeks. When they are home with me in the afternoons they get along for the most part but their fights are epic! Madison will scream "that's it, you are not my sister anymore. Go away!" And Emma will run to me and tell me what Madison has done, meanwhile they are both culprits! That's not going to end any time soon! So when they do play together it's wonderful!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10 2010

Couldn't come up with a better title! lol So the girls are in Kinder Camp all day this week. It's a program through Parks and Rec that gets them ready for kinder. They love it, especially the water games. They make neat crafts, including a guitar made out of a water bottle, empty kleenex box and elastics. Emma's fell apart but she was very mature about it. Maddie has been playing hers all night. Maddie's backpack weighs more than she does and I always think she's about to tip over each time she puts it on. They look like such little girls now, growing up so fast and ready for school. Wah! I am happy for them as they are excited, but can't believe they start school soon (which means I am back in the classroom soon)!

Tonight after dinner Emma says "I wish mom and dad only had one girl" and when we said which one she said Maddie! ha! Not sure where she was going with that comment but it was funny. The girls are getting along well, it helps when they aren't sitting at home all day with not a lot of activities. They are with me for the last 3-4 weeks of the summer so I will be sure to have lot's of activities and outings planned. It just makes for a more pleasant day and minimizes the fighting. The more experience I have with parenting the more I sound like my own parents! lol

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Super Summer

Wow, have I fallen behind in my updates! Blame Facebook. I frequently write stories about the girls on there and forget to post them here as well. This one is the imp. one as this is the one I will be able to print for them and put into a book. So, what's been happening? We've been having a great summer. The girls were at Julie's for a few weeks in July and then they went to daycamp which they loved. They have been home with me and next week they start another full day of camp and then will be home with me again. John is taking the last week of August and first week of Sept off and we will do some short trips, nothing fancy. The girls are playing really well together for the most part but they can have some crazy fights and those fights drive me crazy! I guess as adults we can see the solution to most of their fights, but they are not at that level of maturity (sharing, just walking away etc). They can get pretty crazy, with Maddie chasing Emma around threatening to hit her or asking me to please send Emma away somewhere! And Emma will sort of growl at Maddie and it's loud and she gets right in her face. If I had to pick right now, I would say that Maddie is actually the more physically violent of the two and she is also about 10 pounds lighter than Emma! Emma is definately the louder one but not as much of a hitter. Maddie gets consequences right away when she hits and for the most part she doesn't make contact but usually it's because I am there to head her off at the pass. But when they play together it is lovely to watch. Yesterday they built a campfire and had their pillows and blankets out and were pretending to roast marshmallows. The day before they each had binoculars and a flashlight and were on treasure hunts and were rescuing their stuffed animals and dolls from various scenarios! So cute!

Yesterday we went to the grocery store and there was a firetruck and two firefighters in the parking lot. The girls waved and the firefighters waved back. Then they yelled out to the girls to see if they wanted to see the truck. The men were so nice and both girls got to sit behind the wheel. They patiently and thoroughly answered all their questions which included "why are there so many things that stick out on the truck?" (the switches) and "why is your horn so loud", "why is the truck super red", "why are you wearing big yellow boots in the summertime" "where is your jacket" "what are these things" (suspenders) and I could go on and on. He even let them step on his toes and kick the boots to show them how thick they are. The girls were very interested and as we thanked them and walked into the store Emma called back and said "I am going to be a fire girl when I growed up!" Ahhhhhhh!