Friday, August 28, 2009

Rough morning!

The girls went to bed later than usual last night. Emma didn't nap yesterday and she was absolutely exhausted, but didn't end up in bed until about 8:30. This morning they were up just after 6:30 and still very tired. Within 10 minutes of being awake they were whining, complaining and fighting with each other. Fun times! Luckily they perked up a bit after breakfast and became somewhat pleasant. I know enough when they are like this not to do anything like grocery shopping. This would be a recipe for disaster. When they are cranky I focus on activities that keep them engaged and entertained. Big hits with my girls are: play doh, stickers, colouring, painting and anything outside. They still love their scooters, and are very good at riding them. Maddie likes riding her trike too, but this involves me pushing her down the street while she pedals. She just doesn't have enough leg strength yet to get very far on her own. They also love the park and running around in the field at the neighbouring school.

Their new thing these days is acting out scenes from various movies. They seem to both know the words and the roles they play. I have no clue what movie it is from, but it's still fun to watch. They have hand actions, and props too. It's very entertaining. Emma loves to be the center of attention (sound familiar) and will often say "everybody watch me" and she makes sure everyone watches. Maddie enjoys performing with Emma but isn't as insistent on an audience and sometimes stops if people are watching (she gets a bit shy).

They still love dogs and they are very good at asking owners first if they can pet the dog (I had to teach them this as they would run up to strange dogs if they could)! John and I keep waiting for them to ask us for one! Part of their acting is pretending to be a dog. One will pet the other and say "sit, good boy etc" Then they say "whatchagaboo" which they picked up while listening to other people say "who's a good boy." It's hilarious.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Em and M at 3.5

The girls are three-and-a-half now. It's quite amazing how fast the time has gone. In my mid-twenties I remember a conversation my dad and I had about time and how fast it goes. He said "wait until you have kids." Ain't that the truth. Someone asked me the other day if my girls are in school. I said no, but they will be in junior kindergarten in 2010. Then I realized that 2010 is next year! So a year pretty much to the week, my little girls will be gearing up for their first day of school. Wow. I am pretty sure I will miss it since I am a teacher, and John will do the drop-off. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but I can't change it (imagine me calling in sick on the first day of school)! ha ha! I would be a wreck anyway, I cry just thinking about it! But now I am getting ahead of myself. I do get a bit sappy when I think of my life now, and how different it is than before I had the girls. I remember when they were nothing but a hope and a dream and I remind myself often how lucky I am to have them. They really complete me and I feel a fullness in my life I never had before. Those of you with kids of your own will probably know what I mean.

John and I are reading up a bit on different discipline strategies. Our kids are fortunately very good, but as kids will do, they test their limits. I am a big fan of attachment parenting in terms of discipline. This does not mean letting kids do whatever. AP definately has boundaries, but the basis of the philosophy is to raise children who are respectful and compassionate. Distraction, re-directing, expecting obedience and talking/listening are all part of this parenting style. It's interesting and it fits in with our personalities for the most part. But we still use time-outs (this is anti-AP as it can be seen of a withdrawal of love) but time outs work for us! I like reading a lot of different styles and I take some and leave some depending on my own beliefs and common sense.

Interestingly enough, Emma has been the one to ask for her soother the odd time since the soother fairy visited (a few weeks ago). I was so sure Maddie would have had the hardest time, but she gave it up without batting an eye! Who knew? Just when you think you know your kids! lol

Funny story: Emma asked John yesterday if he had a baby in is belly! Time to hit the gym hubby of mine!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So long Soothers!

Last night the soo-soo fairy came and took every last soother away and left scooters and dolls for Emma and Maddie. We talked up the soother fairy for a few days. She was supposed to come on Sunday night, but we got caught in a storm and the power went out, so the fairy could not get the gifts from Walmart! Last night the girls lined their soothers up on the windowsill, said goodbye (Emma even gave hers a kiss) and off they went to bed. I was out running but when I came home I heard them talking but then they eventually fell asleep no problem. In the morning (at 6 to be precise) they came in and asked where their soothers were. I told them that the soother fairy must have come. They found their gifts in the playroom along with a card from the fairy that said congratulations you are now big girls who don't need soothers anymore. The scooters were a huge hit, they played with them all morning. Emma asked more than Maddie for her soother, I had initially thought Maddie would have a harder time giving it up as she seems to have it in her mouth more. But Emma seems to be the one needing to adjust, and Maddie reminds her that the fairy took their soo-soo. So let's hope they only ask for them over the next couple of days and then that's it. So far so good, I thought it would be tougher.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Whittamore's Farm

We took the girls to Whittamore's Farm yesterday. It's a farm located in Markham, on Taunton Rd (Steeles). They have amazing food to buy (corn, berries etc) and a great place for kids to play. They have a jumping castle, wagon ride (hay and all), tree houses, sandpits, mini-tractors the kids can ride, swings etc etc. We had a great day. The weather was perfect and it wasn't too crowded. The only thing the girls didn't like was the jumping castle because it had big cow heads (not real, inflatable) in it and they were scared in spite of my efforts. I thought Emma might go in so I gave her a gentle push and she said "hey, mama, no pushing" and I said "I wasn't pushing, I was gently encouraging you" and I got a few laughs from surrounding parents. Last night after we had tucked them in and closed the door Emma called "mama?" so I opened the door a crack to find out what she wanted and she said "I had a great time at the farm." We will definately be making another visit to Whittamore's!