Saturday, September 25, 2010

I hate my sister!

Yikes, I've been a referee all morning between the girls. Emma crumpled one of Maddie's fairy pictures and Maddie growled and screamed at the top of her lungs "I hate my sister and I will never ever be twins with her again!" I knew I shouldn't laugh but could barely contain myself. It was just so cute and funny! 5 minutes later and they were best buds again. Ah the life of a twin mummy!

I bet the girls' teachers at curriculum night. I left my school right at the bell, dashed to meet up with their teachers and then back down to my school as our curriculum night was on the same day. Crazy! The girls are in good hands. Their teachers are quite different, one is very new and the other is a teaching vet but they both bring a lot to the table, which is great. I made sure not to ask the dreaded question that I cringe at during my own curriculum night and that is "how is my child doing?" Way too early to assess, the point of the evening is to review the curriculum, not give a parent-teacher interview. So I didn't ask but they did volunteer that both girls are fine and part of the zipper club (one of the few kids that can do up their own zipper)! lol THey can recognize letters and colours etc and there are no issues at this point. Phew!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Actor in the Making?

Madison is quite the character these days! Tonight John was scooping out some rice for her and she said "I don't want that brown pork stuff on it dad" and she said "it's sauce, it's there because the pork was on top of the rice and I can't take it off." So the kid puts the back of her hand up to her forehead and says "oh the pain, the pain. The pain of sauce on my rice" all dramatic-like! John, Emma and I were on the floor laughing. It was so funny!

Both girls are super tired since school started. We have been putting them to bed earlier than usual and they still sleep right through. It's an adjustment, that's for sure! They are equally excited about getting up to go to Julie's or kinder, so that's a good thing. Tomorrow they have to be up early. John has a meeting downtown so I am dropping them at my friend's house as her son goes to the same school so she will get them there. They will be tired but such is life! The first week and a bit of school has gone by very fast!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kinder is a big success so far!

The girls love school. They love their teachers (although Emma, at one point wanted Maddie's teacher because she is "prettier" yikes)! They are making crafts and reading stories and they go out for recess. It's really neat hearing them talk like big kids. I am so happy they are enjoying school. They still love going to Julie's on alternate days, which is great. Emma is ready to move up to a booster seat (Maddie needs to gain 10 pounds before she can get into a booster and this has her heartbroken, poor thing)! Meet the teacher night is next week but it's the same night at my own school so John will go. I will meet their teachers the next day. So proud of my grown-up girls!

Kinder is a big success so far!

The girls love school. They love their teachers (although Emma, at one point wanted Maddie's teacher because she is "prettier" yikes)! They are making crafts and reading stories and they go out for recess. It's really neat hearing them talk like big kids. I am so happy they are enjoying school. They still love going to Julie's on alternate days, which is great. Emma is ready to move up to a booster seat (Maddie needs to gain 10 pounds before she can get into a booster and this has her heartbroken, poor thing)! Meet the teacher night is next week but it's the same night at my own school so John will go. I will meet their teachers the next day. So proud of my grown-up girls!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School!

Well they did it! They made us so proud and ran right in to kindergarten full of excitement and joy. No tears. John said there were a lot of kids crying, but not our girls. He got a chance to speak with Maddie's teacher and she said Maddie is super ready for school and was a great listener. He took pictures of both girls with their teachers. They were only there 100 minutes but they did a lot including crafts and a story. I am so happy they had a great first day. Their first full day is on Thursday. I bet they have just as much fun if not more!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Night Before Kindergarten!

Well we're here. My babies are going to kindergarten. They are excited. Maddie said she is a little shy but is looking forward to making friends. Emma seems happy to go when I ask. I am floored that they are in school. What a milestone. I don't remember my first day of kinder but some people do. John will take them in since I have to work. Can't quite call in a supply teacher on the first day of school! It's just as well seeing as I would be a bawling, crumpled mess and make them anxious! They only go in for 100 minutes so their first full day is Thursday. I also have my yearly mammogram scheduled at 6 pm so I will have to call them to find out how it all went. I am so proud of who they have become and they are lovely little ladies who I love more than anything! Good luck to my girls as they venture out into the world! Wah!