Monday, June 30, 2008

I guess kids are resilient...

We had a great day at the zoo today. Maddie and Emma loved all the animals and ran around for over 2 hours. They saw an elephant go "pee pee" and it looked like a shower! Maddie laughed at that and at the "monkeys" (as she called them) and their funny "coloured bum bums!" We got home and I was carrying Emma into the house through the garage. She wanted to push the garage door opener, and she started sticking her foot out at it. I told her she can push it with her hand, as she always does. She dove right out of my arms and fell onto the step head first. John was holding Maddie but he managed to sort of break her fall, as did I as I tried to stick my foot out so she would hit that and not the wooden step. Anyway, she was obviously hurt but not bleeding. I was shaking and thinking about calling 911, but when we got inside she was ok, if a little shaken. She said "I hurt, I fell down stairs." I said "please don't jump out of mummy's arms like that again, ok?" and she said "ok mama, don't like hurt." When I brought her up later for bed, she was clutching onto me for dear life. She was fine after the fall, but we were both shaken up. Madison was very loving, and came over to see if Emma was ok.

Yesterday we went to get groceries. John took Maddie in a cart and I took Emma. There was an older gentleman in one of the aisles and Emma said "I Emma, what's your name?" and he came over to her and shook her hand and said "Hi Emma, I'm Grampy." She said "no, you not my gampa" and started to laugh. He said "That's right, I'm not your grandpa but I am someone's grandpa" and she said (a little louder) "you not my gampa!" It was very funny and cute.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our Trip to Wonderland!

Today we went to Wonderland with Frank and Sandy. The girls had a blast! They kept calling the roller coaster's choo-choo trains and they wanted to go on the trains. When the roller coaster went down the hill and everyone wa screaming the girls would say "wow!" and get very excited! It was all we could do to get them to the kiddie place as they kept wanting to go on every ride we walked past (none of which they could go on). We finally got to the kid zone and they went on the swans, the train and the carousel. They loved them and they were very good waiting in line. We didn't bring the stroller (it was in the van though just in case) as they like to walk everywhere these days. But Emma wanted me to hold her for a lot of the day because I think she was overwhelmed by the crowds. She is funny that way - sometimes she is great with big crowds and other times she sticks very close to me. On the way home they were both completely zonked but they had a great day.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sibling Rivalry, field trips and popcorn!

This morning as I was bringing the girls downstairs after they woke up, Emma put her hand against Maddie's face and said "no, don't like Maddie. My mummy." I said "you love Maddie, she is your twin sister, you just don't want to share mummy." She sort of grumbled but I know she understood. Julie took the girls on a "field trip" today. They took the bus and the subway. Julie said the girls were the best behaved kids she has ever had on one of these trips. They loved the bus and subway and they talked to everyone. One man said "hi there" and Emma said "Hi, I Emma." He asked "are you going to school?" and she said "no, I on school BUS." Cute. The bus driver honked for them and stuck his head out the window to wave bye as they got off. They clutched their transfers and Madison did not want to get off the bus. Julie said it was a great trip.

Las night we had corn on the cob at dinner. We gave them half a cob each. I started to cut the corn off the cob for them and Emma said "no mama, want big corn." She did really well biting it off the cob. Madison needed hers cut, her mouth is a bit smaller, and she kept calling it popcorn! She said "yummy popcorn, more popcorn mama?" Too funny!

We are supposed to go to Wonderland tomorrow for a special Hewlett-Packard sponsored event (cheaper tickets) but it's supposed to rain (thunder and lightning) so we may have to do something indoors. I am looking forward to being finished school (one more week and then I do my happy dance) so I can spend a great summer with my two favourite little girls!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Maddie peed in the potty! Yay Yay Yay!

Hello everyone, it has been very busy at our house. I have been working on report cards, my course and well, just being a mum. Monday Julie told me that Madison peed in the potty! Julie potty trains the girls. She just recently started and at first Emma seemed more receptive. Madison doesn't like wearing underwear, she prefers her diaper, so we all assumed she wouldn't be the first to go in the toilet. On Monday she said "Julie, I go pee pee." Julie said "do you need to go or did you already go?" Maddie said "I need go." So she put her on the potty and nothing happened. She said Maddie just sat and grinned at her. Then all of a sudden Maddie said "Auntie Joolie, it coming, it coming!" She was apparently very excited about the fact that her pee pee was coming out, and she did it! Yay Maddie! I asked her today if she was excited to go to Auntie Julie's tomorrow (we were home today) so she can use the potty and she grinned at me and said "yes!" I said "do you like using the potty like a big girl?" and she said "yes, Maddie big girl, go potty!" So cute! My girlies are growing up!

We went to the petting zoo on the weekend for Father's Day, and without being prompted Emma said "I go feed the llama carrots?" She was pointing to the donkey, but there are llamas at this zoo and I was amazed she remembered. I pointed out the actual llama, who had a baby llama beside her. I explained that the mummy was sitting with her baby llama and Emma said "so cute, like my mummy with me, baby Emma." Yes, that's exactly it!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mummy, don't quit your day job!

Emma has become a talking machine. Yesterday we were playing with the neighbours dog and Emma and Madison were able to pet him. We then went in for dinner (John was inside getting it ready) and John asked them what they had done outside. Emma said "I touch doggie, he tickled my hand like baby duckies. No bite." Wow. We were duly impressed! This morning we passed a motorcycle and she said "look everybody, bicycle, just like daddy's!" Today, after bottles, I was putting toothpaste on their toothbrushes. I like to sing the Raffi toothbrush song, you know, the one that goes "when you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to one and you want to have a little fun, you brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch etc." I was singing away and Emma said "Mummy, stop singing about teef, ok?" Fine, I won't quite my day job to become the next Canadian Idol!

Madison is a lot more chatty as well. Today at daycare she said "I like chicken but no rice." She is also really showing her independence! On the way home from daycare they get a snack to tide them over until dinner. I gave her two crackers which she loves. After she said "more cracker pease." I said "no, no more snacks, we are having dinner soon." She spent the next 20 minutes (the entire car ride home) yelling "more cracker NOW!" I ignored her and eventually she stopped, but boy was it annoying!