Monday, December 8, 2008

Cheeky Monkeys!

We put the girls to bed at 7, like we always do. The past two nights they have been awake for at least an hour after this, giggling and squealing with each other. Last night I went in at 8:20 and told them it was time for night-night and they are to go to sleep. They were quiet shortly after that but were bears this morning from lack of sleep. Tonight, John and I were happily watching t.v and folding laundry. I thought I heard something so I asked him to mute the t.v. Sure enough, I heard them. We walked up the stairs and we could hear screams, but good, happy screams and giggles. I opened the door and Maddie was sitting bolt upright in her crib with her blankets over her head like a ghost. Emma was standing in her crib as close to Maddie's crib as she could get with her arm stretched out trying to reach her. When I opened the door they jumped into sleeping position and closed their eyes. Nice try girls. I told them calmly but firmly that it was time for bed. Maybe they are ready for a later bed time, but I'm not so sure I'm ready to give it to them! lol

Tonight when we were watching a Christmas special Emma blurted out "I hate Christmas!" I said "what? how can you hate it? That means no tree, no presents, no decorations or Christmas music. Do you still hate it?" and she said "yes but I love presents." Of course you do! The things they come up with. The other day she said "mama, you stupid." I said "what did you say?" and she said "I said you stupid." I said "Emma, do you know what that means?" "No." "Emma, where did you hear that word?" She was quiet and very thoughtful for a moment and then she said "um, grandpa." I said "really? from grandpa?" and she said "no, from Rhettsy." That's more like it! Rhett is the 4-year-old that goes to the same daycare as the girls. I told Emma not to say that word anymore as it is not nice. She said "ok mama." We'll see how long that lasts!

Maddie still wants nothing to do with Santa. I asked her if she thought she was ready to sit on his lap for a picture and she said "no, Emma sit, not Maddie." Way to throw your sister under the bus! I asked her if she was still scared of Santa and she said "yes, he scawy!" Maybe next year!

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