Thursday, June 24, 2010

Marriage and McDonalds!

Interesting conversations in the car ride to daycare today. First we were talking about marriage (I can't remember how it came up). Maddie said she would marry Rhettsy and Emma said she would marry Kai. I said they could marry whoever they want, as long as they are happy. Emma asked why and I said it's important to be happy. So then she says "then I will make cakes because I'm really happy when I make cakes."! Then Maddie said she would like a Shrek watch because Rhett has a donkey watch and Kristina has a Fiona watch. I said "they got them at McDonalds (the Happy Meal toy) and we don't eat McDonalds" to which Madison responded with "no, no, no, mummy, we don't eat the watches, we put them on our arms!" Thanks for clearing that up, Maddie! lol

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