Monday, June 13, 2011

More funnies from my hunnies

Today's drive home was hilarious. Here is one of the conversations we had

Emma: mummy, do cats fall in love?
Me: um, well, they mate.
Emma: what's mate?
Me: they have babies together.
Maddie: how do the babies come out? Through their peanuts?
Emma: Maddie, cats don't have peanuts, silly. The babies come out of their butts.

Then I drove by roadkill (squirrel) and a crow was pecking at it. I heard Maddie say "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is that bird doing with that piece of poo." I said "um, eating it but it's not poo." She said "what is it?" and I said "a dead squirrel." I peeked at her face in the rearview and she was horrified! I burst out laughing and the girls asked me questions about dead animals the entire way home. They decided that cars are allowed to hit rats because they don't like the colour of rats but they can't hit any other animal. Not even crocodiles with huge mouths! What a hoot these two are!

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