Saturday, September 5, 2009

Little Miss Drama Queen

The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree in some cases, does it? Those who knew me as a child (or have heard the stories) already know I was a little, um, dramatic at times (just ask my dad to tell you the story of my broken leg in England). The other day Emma scraped her knee at the park. She has had much worse, this was NOTHING. John had to carry her home for a bandaid. As soon as the bandaid went on, she bent both knees into a crouch and walked like a duck (crouching and walking) the rest of the night. John and I were cracking up. It was ridiculously funny. I said "Emsy, you can walk properly you know, it's just a little scrape" and she said "no mama, I think my leg may be broke." Um, nope, not broke my dear. So we humoured her and propped her foot up with a pillow at bedtime. The next morning she forgot and was walking normally. Then she noticed her bandaid and resumed her duck walk. Me thinks someone will be enrolled in Young People's Theatre.

On another note the power went off for a split second today and the tv went off when the girls were watching Dora. Emma said "I think the power went off and turned off my show. You need to put power in time-out!"

We went to Chuck E Cheese tonight with Rich, Ning, Tynen and Makua. The girls had a blast. Maddie really cling to Ningning and Emma to me. They are very adventurous and try all kinds of rides and games. They were very good girls, and they left without a fuss even though they wanted to stay. As we were leaving Maddie said "bye Mr. Cheese, have a good nap!" So cute!

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