Friday, August 28, 2009

Rough morning!

The girls went to bed later than usual last night. Emma didn't nap yesterday and she was absolutely exhausted, but didn't end up in bed until about 8:30. This morning they were up just after 6:30 and still very tired. Within 10 minutes of being awake they were whining, complaining and fighting with each other. Fun times! Luckily they perked up a bit after breakfast and became somewhat pleasant. I know enough when they are like this not to do anything like grocery shopping. This would be a recipe for disaster. When they are cranky I focus on activities that keep them engaged and entertained. Big hits with my girls are: play doh, stickers, colouring, painting and anything outside. They still love their scooters, and are very good at riding them. Maddie likes riding her trike too, but this involves me pushing her down the street while she pedals. She just doesn't have enough leg strength yet to get very far on her own. They also love the park and running around in the field at the neighbouring school.

Their new thing these days is acting out scenes from various movies. They seem to both know the words and the roles they play. I have no clue what movie it is from, but it's still fun to watch. They have hand actions, and props too. It's very entertaining. Emma loves to be the center of attention (sound familiar) and will often say "everybody watch me" and she makes sure everyone watches. Maddie enjoys performing with Emma but isn't as insistent on an audience and sometimes stops if people are watching (she gets a bit shy).

They still love dogs and they are very good at asking owners first if they can pet the dog (I had to teach them this as they would run up to strange dogs if they could)! John and I keep waiting for them to ask us for one! Part of their acting is pretending to be a dog. One will pet the other and say "sit, good boy etc" Then they say "whatchagaboo" which they picked up while listening to other people say "who's a good boy." It's hilarious.

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