Monday, July 12, 2010

Island Fun and First Sleepover!

Yesterday we went with our good friends Jon, Nicole and their son Ben to the Island. It wasn't Toronto Island, but an island close to it. Jon's parents have a boat and they go over most weekends in the summer. It was so much fun and the girls loved the boat rides (3 in total). Emma is fearless and wants to climb to the very tip of the boat and look out. Maddie is more cautious but super enthusiastic with a big grin on her face the entire time. Whenever we passed another boat my girls would yell "ahoy" and wave. They always got a wave back. Super cute. We spent all day there and got back to TO around 9. Needless to say both girls were exhausted and fell asleep in the car and didn't even wake when we transferred them to bed (we were smart and brought their jammies with us). This morning they wanted me to make them a map for their pirate ship and they still wanted to wear the lifejackets we borrowed! What a great day.

Today they are at Auntie Julie's and they are having their first sleepover at her house tonight. Julie wanted to take them to Rhett and Kristina's soccer game and she asked if they could sleep over after. She was planning a campfire with marshmallows. The girls are super excited. I miss them, but I know they are in great hands. John and I went to dinner and a movie and I can't wait to get up and get the girls tomorrow! It will be nice to sleep in though! They will be so tired with all this excitement!

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