Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Bump (no, not mine)

Emma and Maddie were at Val's last week, as Julie's father-in-law passed away and their family went to Florida for the funeral. Val is 6-months pregnant and told me that Emma is fascinated by the baby in her belly and was asking tons of questions and feeling the baby kick etc. When the girls came home I was already there and Emma came running over and she said "mom, we at Val's today." John had been dropping them off and i guess she assumed since I wasn't taking them that I didn't know where they were! lol Anyway, I said "yes, I know you were at Val's." Then she says "Val has a baby in her belly." I respond "I know" to which she says "do you have a baby in yours?" "um, no, but you and Maddie were in my belly together." She pulls my shirt out and puts her head under it and says "like this?" and I laugh and say "kind of." Then I tell her stories about how they were when they were little, and the rest of the night she wanted to be my baby (when she has her own kids she will realize she will always be my baby). It was super cute.

Maddie wasn't interested in babies or the conversation, she is in a phase where all she wants to do is watch Dora on tv. I have to jump through hoops to get her to do other things. Thank goodness the weather is warmer as she will never say no to the park or riding her bike outside. The girls' bikes from last year are in good shape and Emma can ride it no problem, but Maddie is still too short much to her dismay. John will put blocks on the pedals so at least she will be able to ride it. I have registered them for dance class and am still waiting to see if they got in. I hope so, they (esp. Emma) love to dance. I will put music on for them and they will dance away. When I start singing they are quick to cover my mouth and Emma even said to me today "mom, your singing is too loudsy, it hurtin my ear!"

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