Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to my girls!

The girls celebrated the big 3 last week and it was a great day. They woke up and were a tad cranky and I was worried, but they got more energy as the festivities started. We rented a play gym and then went back to our house for pizza and cake. It was a much smaller affair than the last two years, and I think it was the best birthday yet. They got lot's of amazing stuff and I need to find room for it! I decided that both girls deserved their own Happy Birthday song so we sang twice, once for Emma and once for Maddie. Maddie didn't ask me to stop singing for once! I guess everyone else's voices blocked mine out (she doesn't like it when I sing, but Emma does so it can't be that bad)!

We went to Disney's Stars on Ice last night. I was worried as it started at 7 (their bedtime) but they surprised us and had a 3 hour nap before we went downtown. They were so well-behaved John and I were truly impressed. Emma sat on my lap the entire show (2 hours long) and was completely mesmerized by the skaters (she called them ballet dancers) and the princesses. We danced and sang to all the disney songs. Maddie preferred to sit on her own or with Uncle Daniel, and was a bit ansy after intermission, but overall was fine. Of course Daniel and John bought them Ariel wands that light up and this other princess thing and a hat and a necklace etc etc. Super expensive night but worth every penny. I had as much fun as they did as I knew all the songs and characters and I am so glad we went. They got home and in bed at 10:30 and were up at their regular time to say and they were exhausted. They are napping right now and I bet I will have to wake them to make sure they get to bed on time. They need to get back into their "school" schedule as the break is over.

This March break was so much better than last year. They are easier and it was much more fun. Monday was rough and I was worried. I didn't have anything scheduled as they had their 3-year check-up. The girls fought all morning. Ten minutes before we left Maddie said "there is something in my hair." Yep, her electric train was in her hair and her hair was caught on the wheel! I had to give her an impromptu haircut. They were great at their check-up. Very curious and because I had prepped them before, they knew what to expect. Emma was telling the doctor what to do "check my eyes, now my ears, and my belly." It was really funny. Maddie had to pee in a cup as she has been complaining about pain when she pees. Emma insisted on holding the sample and as we were walking down the hall to give it to the doctor, an elderly gentleman passed us. Emma thrust the pee cup in his face and said "Hi, Maddie peed in the cup and we going to give it to the lady" (the lady being the doctor). The man laughed and said "I recognize that sample, good job to Maddie" and Emma said "good job Mads!" Turns out Maddie has a UTI and they want to do more testing as this is uncommon for toddlers. I am a nervous wreck. A good friend of mine's mother once told her "you will never know such intense joy or such sheer terror as when you have a child of your own." Man is this true. I was up all night reading about UTI's in toddlers and what it can mean. I read everything from it's caused by holding in their pee (which Maddie does) to kidney failure (hence my being sleepless). We will just have to wait and see. They will do blood work and an ultrasound. Not sure how they will draw blood from a 3-year-old, should be interesting!

The other day in the car Emma said "mummy, I need to kiss you." I said "oh Ems, I would love that but I am driving. Why do you need to kiss me now?" and she said "because I love you!" Nothing melts my heart more than when the girls tell me they love me. Today we went to the Bulk Barn and they got to pick out their "Friday Treat" as I like to call it. On the way home in the car Emma said "this is the best candy I ever met!" Ha ha. They say funny things. Maddie has been thanking me every day for the princess dress (really a nightgown) that I got them for their birthday. Every morning she says "thank you for the princess dress." What else do they say that i want to remember? Oh, I can't remember the context, but we were talking about mummy, Maddie, Daddy and Emma and Emma said "we a family because we a team!" Yep, we are a team! The girls wanted me to pick them up and spin them around. They are getting big now (Maddie is 22 pounds, and Emma is 30) and I was explaining that I can't pick them up at the same time anymore. Emma said "just try it mama" so I did and she said "see, you doing great!" I have my own built-in cheering section! What a great team I have!

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