Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kids Say The Funniest Things

Gearing down the end of summer and getting into the headspace that I will soon be at work and more importantly my girls will be in school! SCHOOL! Wow. Unreal. They are so excited and I know they are more than ready. I am so glad John will be taking them that first day. As much as I want to be there for this huge milestone there is no way I can call in a supply on the first day of school and I will be an emotional wreck so it's just as well. They only go in for an hour on the first day. First full day is Thursday Sept 9th.

Yesterday Emma says to me "mummy I want to wear oyster lotion like you so I can have soft skin and smell nice." I said "oyster lotion?" and she nodded. I am usually pretty quick to figure out what they mean by now but this one took a bit longer. I finally realized she meant moisturizer lotion! lol Oyster lotion. Too funny. I shared this with my friends and one of them said her daughter called anti wrinkle cream "uncle wrinkle cream"! Yet another friend said her son said he has to go to the dentist because the navel on his teeth is weak (enamel)! ha ha! So funny!

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