Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Actor in the Making?

Madison is quite the character these days! Tonight John was scooping out some rice for her and she said "I don't want that brown pork stuff on it dad" and she said "it's sauce, it's there because the pork was on top of the rice and I can't take it off." So the kid puts the back of her hand up to her forehead and says "oh the pain, the pain. The pain of sauce on my rice" all dramatic-like! John, Emma and I were on the floor laughing. It was so funny!

Both girls are super tired since school started. We have been putting them to bed earlier than usual and they still sleep right through. It's an adjustment, that's for sure! They are equally excited about getting up to go to Julie's or kinder, so that's a good thing. Tomorrow they have to be up early. John has a meeting downtown so I am dropping them at my friend's house as her son goes to the same school so she will get them there. They will be tired but such is life! The first week and a bit of school has gone by very fast!

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