Monday, November 8, 2010

Gain an hour? Not with little ones!

Clocks went back on Sat. Each year John and I devise a plan to keep them up an hour later in hopes that they will adjust to the time change. Well the time change cannot compete with their little internal clocks and they've been up at 6 the last two mornings. It takes about a week for them to sleep til 7:30 again. Oh well! I love the mornings when they snuggle into bed with me and tickle my face. Emma is the best cuddler. Maddie will sometimes, but has to be in the mood. She prefers to watch tv out in the nook. Needless to say they were pretty cranky when I picked them up from Julie's today but didn't sleep in the car, surprisingly. They are still loving school and Maddie asks me "where are we going after bed" meaning where are we tomorrow, school or Julie's? They love both places equally. They went to Church for the first time with Julie and her family and loved it. Emma especially loved Sunday school. John and I aren't religious but we don't mind the girls going as they can decide for themselves as they get older. For now they love it. I will try and be better at updating more often!

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