Sunday, November 14, 2010

Royal Winter Fair

We took the girls to the RWF. It's neat to see them change from year to year as this has become a tradition. When they were little they fed the animals at the petting zoo without fear. Last year they wanted nothing to do with feeding them, as they were scared, but they were still very interested in looking at the animals. This year they were back to no fear and fed all of them from the palms of their hands. It was very cute to see their faces light up especially when they fed the llamas. The other highlight of the fair was a cow pooping and a honey stick. Emma brought up the yummy honey stick today! They were able to partake in the interactive games for kids for the first time. One game was to spin a wheel and then tell the employee what sound the animal in the picture made. Both girls got them right (and they were hard, they were snouts of a pig and a bunny's nose). They won an apple. lol. There was also a fake cow they could milk (it was water) and a memory game of the Ontario Wildlife. They are so good at memory; much better than me! All in all the trip was great and we will go again next year.

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