Saturday, February 5, 2011

Miss Manners

As I am sending the girls off to a Father-Daughter dance tonight, I say "now remember your manners" and Emma says "I don't know how to speak manners." "yes you do, it's when you say please and thank-you" and she says "oh, yeah, I know that language." lol So cute.

We celebrated Lily's 4th birthday today at the Superstore where the girls got to make pizza and decorate cupcakes. Emma wanted no cheese or pepperoni, just mushrooms and she actually ate the whole thing! So funny. Maddie had pepperoni and cheese and she loved her pizza. They both enjoyed decorating and a lot of licking the icing went on. We came home and hung out for a bit and then they went to the dance with John.

Report cards came home last week. Both girls got a great report and I had to laugh out loud when I read the first line of Emma's which read: Emma is a polite and quiet child. Ha! Yes she is polite, but quiet? Good grief. Now I know how my parents felt when the teachers used to say the same about me.

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