Monday, February 21, 2011

Tired girlies

Family Day here so we had the day off. The girls got up at 6:30! Typical! On a school day I drag them out of bed at 7:30 but on a holiday they wake at the crack of dawn. Oh well, they played together so I got to stay in bed a little longer. Later this morning Emma put her hand under my shirt and smushed my boob. Then she asks "how come you have long boobies?" I almost peed myself laughing! She said "look mine are short." I explained that as you get older your body changes and she asked why. I started getting into the puberty talk but she lost interest, thank goodness!

I took the girls to Walmart yesterday as Emma needs new pants. She is still a size 4! Maddie got a Justin Bieber shirt. She is so obsessed with him! This is a conversation from the car yesterday: Maddie: I love Justin Beaver. Me: You don't even know him. How do you know he treats women properly? Maddie: I don't know but I reawy wike his hair.

So cute!

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