Monday, August 25, 2008

Cheeky Monkeys

Naptime has been mostly smooth this summer, thank goodness. They do go the odd day without one, and we suffer for it later in the early evening hours when they have their meltdowns. So we obviously encourage naps, or at least quiet time when they are in their cribs. Today we were at a friends house in the morning for a playdate. Emma was loving it because the little girl had a treasure chest full of Princess outfits. Dresses, shoes, crowns and all of the accessories. She stayed in full Princess gear the entire visit and when it was time for us to go, she did not want to take it off. Major Meltdown! She wailed "want my princess dress" from Bayview and Eglinton to the 404. Not a pretty sight (or sound). She finally calmed down and we got home, had lunch, and it was upstairs for their naps. They were both visibly tired: yawning, rubbing their eyes, lying on the floor, whinning etc. so I thought for sure they would be asleep within a short period of time. I went and showered and when I came out could hear them talking. No problem, it had only been a few minutes. Well, they talked for an hour! Here is a sample of the conversations I could hear over the baby monitor:

Emma : I Ariel, you Sleeping Beauty

Maddie :No, I Ariel, you Urula (Ursula, the sea-witch from The Little Mermaid)

Emma (getting louder): I no Ursula, she mean, I Ariel, you Sleeping Beauty

Maddie: No! I Ariel

Emma: (close to tears): No I Ariel! You Sleeping Beauty or Jasmine!

You get the idea, and then I would hear "wop" which I know means something is being thrown out of the crib and either onto the floor, or into the opposite crib. So, I went upstairs and flung open the door. They were both standing upright, and Maddie had everything out of her crib and on the floor, including her dress! Yep, she stripped down to her diaper. Again. Emma had the sense to dive onto her stomach as soon as I came in, close her eyes and pretend to be asleep. Cheeky monkey. I told them to stop playing games, it was naptime. I piled all of Maddie's crib paraphenelia back into her crib from the floor. Her stuffed animals and soother were in Emma's crib, so they were obviously doing some sort of swap! Shortly after I did that they were quiet. It's now been 45 minutes and not a peep so I guess they finally fell asleep!

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