Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daddy John the Superhero

This is more about John than the girls, but they should know what a hero their dad is. John was driving down our street tonight and he saw a 6-year-old boy running through the streets bare foot and in pyjamas. He was expecting to see mom or dad close behind but realizing the boy was alone, John pulled over. When he got close to the boy he realized this was a child with autism and so he called the police. He entertained the boy and held him there (the boy had a silent alarm bracelet but I guess it wasn't activated in the home). The police arrived and apparently the mom had just called in that he was missing, and she was frantic! I bet she is so grateful that John was there and that he was quick to realize this boy was alone and needed help! Emma and Maddie are lucky to have a hero for a dad!

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