Sunday, April 18, 2010

Poor Ems

So Emma threw up again, and this time it was in the hotel in London. We were there visiting Jasmine, Adam and their new 14-week-old baby, Ava (such a cutie pie)! I am thinking that her tummy bug from a few weeks back may have triggered an intolerance to dairy. She had cows milk (chocolate) and ice cream at the restaurant, and we don't normally drink cows milk. Around 6:00 she was complaining of a belly ache (in the morning). I was sleeping in a bed with Em, and John was in the other bed with Maddie. I knew she would throw up as that has been the pattern; she complains about her belly and then vomits shortly after. Her blood work and stool sample came back with nothing, so I am leaning towards eliminating the major allergens and see if there are any changes. This is what the doc recommended as well, so we are starting with dairy and then gluten. If I were a betting woman I would say it's dairy, but time will tell.

Other than that the trip was pretty good. The girls were initially excited about the hotel but did not want to sleep there (which is why they ended up in bed with John and I). It was a pretty restless sleep and Emma is a mover and a talker (I talk in my sleep too). At one point she had her feet at my head, and she flails her arms every which way (usually landing on my face)! lol It was pretty amusing. Maddie is the worst sleeper as she is so restless when she can't sleep. She bangs her head against the bed (or her feet, depending). I could hear John whispering very sternly through clenched teeth around midnight "if you keep moving you will be sleeping on the chair!" John ended up moving to the chair for a bit, that is how bad it was. So needless to say when we came back for John's golf game this afternoon, I was home with two very, VERY tired and cranky girls. It was all I could do to keep it together. I had a mantra going "they are very tired, they are very tired, they are very tired." It kept me from screaming at them. By the end of the night they quieted right down (no more fighting and whining) as they were too drained! That was kinda nice! They didn't fight bedtime at all, and tucking them in was super fast. I hope Emma makes it through the night without throwing up! Fingers crossed!

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