Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poor Maddie

Little Maddie May is sick. Monday night she was crying at around 10 p.m. It wasn't a whimper, it was a full blown, heartbreaking kind of cry. John and I went in, and Emma was woken up so she started crying (she does this when she is woken suddenly, it takes her a few minutes to realize where she is I think). So John soothed Emma, who went back to sleep pretty quickly. I picked Madison up and she felt hot, but I figured it was because she was crying. I changed her into some cooler pyjamas, rubbed her back and told her to go back to sleep. She did, thankfully. The next morning she seemed fine, but at lunch Julie called the school to let me know she had a fever and that she was giving her some tylenol. She said that Madison had been acting normally, and Emma is the cranky one (due to her sleep being interrupted - that little girl loves her sleep)! Maddie is on the mend, but has been a bit crankier today. She threw a bunch of tantrums when I took away her rocks (the rocks she gets from Julie's garden and then bangs on our floor)! She loves her rocks and when I took them away she screamed "my wock, want my wock, gimme wock." I explained that I took them away because she is banging them on the floor and we don't want the floor to break. She tried to bite my leg in anger, so she went to time out. Of course, when Maddie is sitting in time out, Emma goes over too! She screamed when it was bath time. She didn't want in so I put her in her jammies. She didn't want her jammies, she wanted to go in the bath. Oh Mads, make up your mind! Finally she did a quick splash in the bath and calmed down a bit during her bottle. She seemed ready to go to bed and went up without fuss.

Both girls love to be outside and they love to walk everywhere "on own." They walk from the van to Julie's house, and Emma often takes the roundabout route to the front door as she stops to examine every pine cone, rock and piece of earth. I have to coax her into the house before I end up late for work! It's lovely to watch though and it makes one think of all the things we sort of take for granted and don't appreciate as much anymore! Through the eyes of a child, right? So true!

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