Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our Trip to Wonderland!

Today we went to Wonderland with Frank and Sandy. The girls had a blast! They kept calling the roller coaster's choo-choo trains and they wanted to go on the trains. When the roller coaster went down the hill and everyone wa screaming the girls would say "wow!" and get very excited! It was all we could do to get them to the kiddie place as they kept wanting to go on every ride we walked past (none of which they could go on). We finally got to the kid zone and they went on the swans, the train and the carousel. They loved them and they were very good waiting in line. We didn't bring the stroller (it was in the van though just in case) as they like to walk everywhere these days. But Emma wanted me to hold her for a lot of the day because I think she was overwhelmed by the crowds. She is funny that way - sometimes she is great with big crowds and other times she sticks very close to me. On the way home they were both completely zonked but they had a great day.

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