Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mummy, don't quit your day job!

Emma has become a talking machine. Yesterday we were playing with the neighbours dog and Emma and Madison were able to pet him. We then went in for dinner (John was inside getting it ready) and John asked them what they had done outside. Emma said "I touch doggie, he tickled my hand like baby duckies. No bite." Wow. We were duly impressed! This morning we passed a motorcycle and she said "look everybody, bicycle, just like daddy's!" Today, after bottles, I was putting toothpaste on their toothbrushes. I like to sing the Raffi toothbrush song, you know, the one that goes "when you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to one and you want to have a little fun, you brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch etc." I was singing away and Emma said "Mummy, stop singing about teef, ok?" Fine, I won't quite my day job to become the next Canadian Idol!

Madison is a lot more chatty as well. Today at daycare she said "I like chicken but no rice." She is also really showing her independence! On the way home from daycare they get a snack to tide them over until dinner. I gave her two crackers which she loves. After she said "more cracker pease." I said "no, no more snacks, we are having dinner soon." She spent the next 20 minutes (the entire car ride home) yelling "more cracker NOW!" I ignored her and eventually she stopped, but boy was it annoying!

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