Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lazy Saturday Morning

The girls crawled into bed with us this morning around 7. Maddie went over to John and Emma came to my side. I was snuggling with her and this includes lot's of hugs and squeezes. At one point she says "mama, I think you love me too tight because I can't breathe!" It was so cute! Then it was breakfast and off to dance class. They love dance class. I like the fact that I get to drop them off and I can run errands during the hour long class. I went to the Mastermind that just opened and I found some gifts for a friend of mine who just had a baby boy. I also bought a memory-type travel game for the girls and they both love it. They played with it for most of the afternoon. I could tell they were getting sleepy by 2, as they started getting very cranky and whiny. They didn't even put up a fuss when I said they needed to nap, so I know they were really tired. They have been asleeo almost 2 hours which is good, as they will be in good shape when our friends come over tonight. They can even stay up a bit later. I love weekends!

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