Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sassy Maddie!

Driving home from Shoppers while the girls looked at sticker books I made the mistake of speaking to which Maddie replied "leave me alone mama I am reading my magazine. You just drive by yourself and don't talk to us." Uh-huh. Sassy little pixie!

The girls had a great Christmas. They were so excited that Santa ate the cookie, drank the milk and the "reingoats" ate the celery that they didn't even notice their stockings! They got so many lovely things and haven't tired of any of their toys yet (a new record)! They loved being at grandma and grandpa's. We all shared a room and in the middle of the night and in the wee hours of the morning the girls would say "Can I go see grandma andf grandpa now?" I think they were more excited about that than about Christmas! Maddie cried as we were leaving. The sentiment was real initially and then she did her usual "for show" cry once she gets a reaction. She is a funny one! They were great on the car rides there and back, thankfully. Maddie napped, Emma didn't. Today we are off to the Disney Princesses on ice show. They are very excited and are wearing their Belle dresses downtown. Hopefully the show will live up to their expectations!

We took the girls tobogganing for the first time with John and my dad. They had a great time. Maddie was nervous at first but they both went down the hill on their own. The hill wasn't that big, but it was big enough that I was nervous and would sort of run after them at first! We wanted to take them skating but the canal hadn't frozen yet. Maybe in February.

The girls were chasing the cats as usual, but are a bit calmer now and understand the need to be slow and quiet, even though they don't always follow that rule!

I am looking forward to being home with them this week. We have lot's planned (Princess and the Frog movie, play dates, celebrating New Years etc).

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