Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloween Fun

So we are gearing up for Halloween and we have started to talk about it with the girls. We went to the mall about a week ago to have them pick out their own costumes. Old Navy had a ton of cute furry things, like penguins, bears, turtles, butterflies etc. So John and I talked those up and I said "which one do you want?" Emma turned to me and said "no mama, I wanna wear pwidi dwess pretty dress just in case you didn't catch that)." It just so happened that right next to the cute costumes there were princess outfits and Emma said "want dis one" and Maddie followed suit. It's hard to tell if Maddie is as into the princess stuff or if she is just following Emma. Maddie does love her purses, but she doesn't take her princess shoes with her for a nap, and seems to talk about them a little less than her sister. I started talking to the girls about what happens at Halloween. They already know the pumpkins are part of the night, so we started explaining about trick or treating. I said "girls, you will wear your princess dress and you go and knock on people's door and say trick or treat and they give you candy." Maddie said "yay candy, I like candy" and Emma said "yum, dat my favouwit." Then I said "and what do you do after people put candy in your bag?" expecting her to say "I say thank you" but Emma replied "I put it in my mouwf and eat it up." Ok Emma, and then you say thank-you! Everyday they talk about Halloween, so it will be a fun night. They know it happens in a lot of sleeps, and they seem happy enough to talk about it while they wait for the big night.

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