Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Emma wants to marry...

On our way home from daycare today Emma said "can I marry grandpa in the marrying castle when I get bigger?" I said "um, well, you will have to ask grandpa" and she said that she would! Too funny! Maddie is still upset that we don't all pack up and leave for Ottawa the minute she wants to go, but she is much better today than yesterday. I packed te Benadryl for her so she is good to go once she seems the cats. Poor thing loves them and is allergic to them!

I've been noticing lately that Emma needs everything quiet and no distractions in order to concentrate on doing up her zipper. Maddie does it in a flash, but Emma is easily distracted by other things that are going on and then she is unable to focus. She then can't do it or she splits the zipper and she gets frustrated. Julie and I are encouraging her to take deep breaths and it's cute to watch her actually do this. Once she is focused and no one is talking around her, her mood becomes calm and she can do it. Fascinating. She may be like me in the sense that she can't read something unless there is total silence! I'll be the one in staff meetings when we have to read something for professional development that has my hands over my ears to block out the people around me who are talking!

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