Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The girls are growing up!

Over the last couple of days I have really started to notice the girls are growing up. Sometimes they will do something and they seem almost mature! Yesterday Emma asked if it's her turn to get out of the car first (Mon/Wed/Fri it's Emma's turn to be first, make dvd or book choices, be the helper etc and Maddie's days are Tues/Thurs/Sat). I told her no, it was Maddie's turn because it's Tuesday. Usually this would create a big whine/fuss/exaggerated sigh etc but instead she said "ok mama, my turn is tomorrow." I looked at her my mouth gaping open and said "thanks for being so mature about it Emma." She then asked me what mature was and I said "when you do things that are responsible like being a good listener." Since then, I have noticed that both her and Maddie are being helpful, good listeners, playing well together! It's been great!

A friend of mine who was deciding whether or not to have a baby used to ask me a ton of questions. We would have these great discussions that would go on for ages as she tried to decide what to do (for the last few years in fact). She once asked me "what if there is something wrong with them (as in physically or mentally) or what if they do bad things and are really bratty with temper tantrums, or are so high energy and break things" etc etc and my answer, after some reflection was "it won't matter" and she said "why?" and I said "because when you have children, you love them unconditionally and everything else falls into place." I'm happy to say that my friend is currently expecting her first child! I guess I convinced her! ha ha!

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