Friday, May 21, 2010

Smashed potatoes

Emma told me today that for lunch she had "smashed" potatoes but she didn't really like them! So cute! We went to the girls' kinder orientation yesterday. We got to go to 4 different rooms and experience some activities similar to what they will be doing in the Fall (yikes, still cannot believe my baby girls will be in school in just over 3 months)! They were so, so excited. Beyond excited. Emma ran in without hesitating and Maddie wanted mummy to go with her because "I'm a little bit shy of the teacher" as she put it. She kept looking for me when all the kids were sitting on the carpet. Hopefully the first day will go smoothly. Both of them answered a question (correctly) during the Read-Aloud and Emma was so excited about one of the books that she practically lept onto the teacher's lap! They got to cut and paste, make shapes out of playdough and practise their letters with magnets. They each got a goody bag full of fun things that can help them learn over the summer. They are bending over backwards trying to prove that they are big girls, and are doing a great job!

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