Monday, May 10, 2010

Maddie on the Mend and Emma writes her name!

Maddie was much better today. Seems whatever it was has passed (I still think it's a dairy allergy or intolerance). She keeps asking why she threw up and wonders if the bug in her tummy has gone home! lol When Emma was sick I told her she had a tummy bug and she thought it was literally a bug running around in her tummy and wanted it to get out and go away! I had a tough time explaining I meant virus, not crawl-around bug! Ha! Maddie asked why she needed a bucket by her bed (so you don't throw up on any more sheets my dear)! She hopes the throw up doesn't come back!

Emma has been going through this emotional blackmail phase, as I like to call it. When I leave to go running she hugs me and says "you can't go running because I want to hug you forever!" Or if she wants something and I say no she will say "if you say no than I am not your daughter and you are not my mummy!" Harsh! The other day she wanted vegetable soup and we were all out of it (and I was cooking something else, I don't cook more than one meal) and she said "then I will never eat anything again!" I tend to just smile when she says these things (or maybe more of a smirk) because I know it would be disastrous if I give in, so I never do. I think she has picked up on this now for the most part! lol

Today Emma wrote out her name in chalk on the sidewalk. Julie says she is super ready for kindergarten. Maddie has a harder time, but her name is longer and a capital M is hard too. She gets frustrated but Julie and I both remind her that her letters are great and it just takes practise. She draws amazing circles! Maddie is better at circles than I am!

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