Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Not the day I expected but such is life. My day started early, at 2:30 a.m when Maddie came in because she had thrown up. She proceeded to throw up all night, and had diarrhea. At 4 John brought her downstairs and I got a couple hours of sleep before getting up to run 11 km (training for a race in 3 weeks). John was going to take them for breakfast thus giving me some time alone, but that didn't happen due to M's illness. So I got home and John took a nap. I proceeded to do 5 loads of laundry as Maddie had soiled all of her bedsheets and clothes. I took both girls to swimming lessons (Maddie was much better this morning) and she napped again in the afternoon on the couch. Emma was very off tonight so I am assuming she will come down with it too, if it is indeed a virus. Oddly enough, Maddie had cow's milk last night, which we don't drink. Same with Emma when she threw up in London. I am becoming more and more convinced that the girls are lactose-intolerant. I will be more strict about dairy and see how things progress.

The girls made me beautiful cards and I got a great one from John as well. They gave me a gorgeous crystal bracelet that was made by a woman battling breast cancer. I also got some pink roses. I am exhausted now and heading to bed (it's only 8 pm)! lol

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