Thursday, May 27, 2010

Interesting car ride today!

This morning Emma wanted to wear this blue dress that she loves. Knowing it would be 35 degrees out, I told her I didn't think it was a good idea as she would be too hot. She insisted and I decided it wasn't a battle I wanted to take on. After daycare when I was driving her home, the little poppet says "mummy, I should have not worn this dress, I was too hot. I'm sorry I wasn't a good listener." Yes folks, you read it here. My 4-year-old apologised for not listening to me. It might be the last time I hear those words (as well as the first) but they were spoken and I couldn't wait to document them!

Maddie had a rough car ride home. She was super tired and so cranky. At one point she said "mummy, stop bothering me. Everyone is bothering me. I want you to just go away. You are not my mummy and daddy is not my daddy and I don't want anyone to talk to me anymore." Geez Mads, tell us how you really feel! A mere 3 seconds after this lovely exchange the poor thing was sound asleep!

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