Friday, May 14, 2010

Kinder registration, stickers, colouring and AWWWW!

I went to the girls' kindergarten orientation yesterday at their school. I have a great feeling about it. The principal and teachers all seemed very warm and genuine. They have a big focus on teaching through the arts (drama, dance, visual arts) and a lot of hands-on activities and not so much pencil and paper deskwork. We officially decided to put the girls in different classes. I really think it's best at this point and we can always re-evaluate after JK. I asked the girls if they want to be in the same class or if they want different classes and different teachers and they both picked different, so that made it even easier! But they are very different and Emma can be very bossy (which will serve her well in a lot of ways) and Maddie needs to shone on her own with her own friends. I can't wait for them to start as they are so excited, but at the same time they are growing much too quickly! I can barely pick Emma up anymore : (

Maddie got her third sticker and was able to go to the store. She picked out a Hello Kitty tin with gummy candies and she shared them with Kristina and Emma. She was SOOOOOO excited (for those not in the know, Maddie is the only kid at daycare who has not earned enough stickers to end up with a walk to the store! lol She is so stubborn. But she finally got it and was beaming when she told me. So maybe she will be more into the earning reward through good behaviour system!

When we got home from daycare the girls were colouring at the table while I was on the computer. Emma turns to Maddie and says "what wonderful colouring Maddie." Maddie responded with "thanks Emma. You need to colour in the lines!" Gotta love the honesty!

Tonight John and Emma went to pick up dinner. Maddie wanted to go too and John was putting her in the van when she said to him "no dad, I will stay home. I don't want mummy to be alone. I just want to cuddle with her so she isn't by herself." AWWWWWWW! So sweet!

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