Friday, January 29, 2010

Gearing up for Kindy registration

Not sure where the time went but my girls will be starting kindergarten in Sept. Registration is on Monday and I am still stunned that I am in the middle of this whole process. I am happy they will be in school as I think they will really enjoy it. But I am sad because my babies are growing up so quickly. I am grateful that they still want to cuddle with me and they will still let me hold them, hug them and kiss them. Ems still snuggles in bed with me in the morning (Maddie prefers the tv, but that's ok, she prefers her snuggle time at night). They are very affectionate and loving little girls.

They are really into jokes now, specifically anything that has the word "poo" in it. Making toot noises is apparently particularly hilarious. When I incorporate this in my bedtime story I am a big hit even to the point of the girls getting hiccups from laughing so hard.

We have a busy weekend planned including Music class. The girls will perform in the play "The Lady with the Alligator Purse." Emma is Miss Lucy and Maddie is the lady with the alligator purse. Can't wait to see it! We will also go skating with friends and have them to our house after. The girls love skating seeing as they have only been once, they want to go again and again! I am still amazed at how quickly they picked it up. Let's hope round two is just as fun as the first time!

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