Monday, January 4, 2010

Girls and Video Games

As I type I am watching the girls play a wii game where they race on cows. They are fiercely competitive already! While playing each one is cheering for themselves (Maddie screaming "go Maddie" and Emma doing the same for Emma). They know who has won and the non-winner puts the controller down and slinks off into the corner and gets very upset and angry. John and I have told them umpteen times that it's just a game and it's for fun but they haven't internalized this yet.

The girls had their first day back at school today. They missed Julie and were happy to be back. Julie said they had a great day and were very well-behaved, playing with the other kids. They were tired when I drove them home. This morning when I was getting them into the car, Maddie said "it's too early for this girl mama, I tired!" I thought for sure they would nap, but nope. As for me, my first day back was fine but I am already looking forward to the March break!

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