Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emma's loyal to her grandpa!

Emma was being super cute today slurping her cereal and milk. John said "Emma, you are so cute" and Emma said "do you want to marry me?" and John said "yes, Emma, will you marry me?" and Ems replied with "no dad, I really like grandpa."! Maddie chimed in with her desire to marry "Rhetsy" (a.k.a Rhett) and she said "I will marry him but I won't kiss him." John was happy with this arrangement but I asked why she wouldn't kiss him and she said "because Rhetsy doesn't like kisses, he runs away. But can I hug him mummy? You think that would be ok?" Ha! So Maddie is chasing boys to try and kiss them already! Yeesh! What will the pre-teens and teens be like?

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