Thursday, January 6, 2011


I got a call from the girls school today telling me Emma had to eat her lunch in the office. They thought it was a pb samdwhich (nut-free school) and I explained it was sunflower seed butter and I had put a note in there stating that. I guess it fell out. Anyway, I was very worried Em would be upset and think she was in trouble but she wasn't. They never cease to surprise me. I picked up two very tired girls today from Nicky's house (they call her Mycole). They were toboganning down the hill beside her house. I heard Emma tell Ben "get off and wait your turn or no ore boganning for you!" So cute. We came home and they inhaled their dinner. Inhaled it! They barely eat their lunch and are starving come dinner time on school days. It's hilarious. When we got inside Em took her snowpants off and her pants and undies came off too and we were howling with laughter. It was so funny. After bedtime we played upstairs with a bedsheet (parachute games) and they went off to bed before 8. I could hear them chatting a bit and Maddie asked Emma who the naughty boy is in her class and Em said "Hendrick because he never listens and he talks during O Canada!" I love eavesdropping I hear the cutest things!

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