Monday, January 10, 2011

Mondays are not so Fundays!

We were out at my nephew's 3rd birthday party yesterday and stayed until 9:00! That meant the girls got to bed at 9:30, and they are usually in bed at 7:30. This wouldn't be a problem on a weekend but getting them up at 7:20 this morning was not fun! They were sound asleep, the sweethearts and I had to wake them up. I threw their clothes on and stuffed them in their carseats and they pretty much slept to Auntie Julie's. So cute. Needless to say they were still tired at pick-up and went to bed early tonight. Phew! Maddie asked on the way home if there are pets in outer space. I said no and she said there should be. There should be cute widdle bunnies in spaceships in outer space. lol!

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