Saturday, January 1, 2011


First of the new year and I am resolving to update this blog more regularly. With Facebook status' I often post the funny things the girls say and do there, but that won't help in the future. I need to put them here too! I will cut and paste a few of their latest kidisms!

Maddie on the way to watch me run in the Resolution race on the 31st: Mummy, are you going to win? Me: no, but I'll do ok. Mads: are you going to get a trophy? Me: no. Mads: a gold medal? Me: no honey, I run because it's fun and makes me feel good. Mads: oh. Do you fink you will only get a marshmallow on a stick? Me (laughing hysterically): maybe.

Emma: mummy, you are just a little bit pretty, not a lot. Me (in my head): what the heck do you mean just a little bit pretty! Me outloud: Why just a little, Emma? Emma: well you have yellow hair, but it's too short. It needs to be long like Rapunzel and then you would be a lot pretty.

The twins played for over an hour before coming in to my room. I asked why and Maddie said "mummies work for one fousand hours and need a vewy wot of sleep so we gave you a sleep-in day!" Fist pump for vewy wot's of sleep!

Me:"Emma, stop whinning!" Em: "Mummy, stop bossing!"

They are quite a pair! Today they are beyond cranky and just told me they are going upstairs and I cannot check on them (yeah right)! They are tired but I will not let them nap at 4:30 pm lol! Let's hope less crankiness on the second day of 2011!

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