Monday, January 31, 2011

That's not a fair deal

Tonight Emma was in full bargain mode at bedtime. I said she could watch a bit of tv after she brushed her teeth. So she brushed, washed her face and hands and then I said she could have 5 minutes of tv watching before bed. She said "5 minutes? That's not a fair deal." I laughed and said I thought it was perfectly fair, but would listen to what she had to say about it. She says "I brushed my teeth, washed both my hands and my face all by myself. I fink I need more than 5 minutes for fair, mummy." Good grief, how did this kid get to be such a good negotiator?

Maddie seems to be on the mend. She's still coughing but in much better spirits. She had a great day at Auntie Julie's today because it was a PA Day and Zoe was there so they got to play teacher. She didn't want to leave when I picked her up! I'm so glad they have fun there. One more year and then they won't go to her anymore except for on PA days. They are growing up so fast! Wah!

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