Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Love of a Parent

Warning: very mushy sentiments ahead, not for the uncorny! I love Emma and Madison - that is a given. But how can I really ever put into words just how much? It's imporssible to explain. I am struck with a feeling that is so powerful, often overwhelming, yet completely undescribable. It is more than love, and I know that I can never put it into words and they won't truly understand it until they have children of their own. I feel like I was meant to be their mum specifically. I know that sounds silly, and I don't normally think this way, but we are so well matched. I have ridiculous amounts of patience with them, (and I am not known for my patience). All I can do is continue to tell them how much I love them, shower them with hugs and kisses and hope that they always feel my love.

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